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Keith Hatton (Author)

Hello all! I’m the maker of this website and the author of all the books, which feels rather strange… and mostly wonderful. For 10 years, I worked as a primary school teacher before deciding to follow a different career path. I loved working in education, particularly interacting with the brilliant young people in my classes but felt that I needed a bit more balance and a whole lot more autonomy. It’s amazing what a change in your life can do and where it can lead you. I now have a small gardening business during the day, I am a private tutor in the evening and a writer in between.

Most importantly, I live with my beautiful wife, Emma, and my two gorgeous kids, Bertie and Clara. I’d love to show them that if you have a dream then, with a bit of imagination and hard work, you can make it happen. This website, and the books that we have created, are part of the dream - I hope you enjoy reading them.


Joanna Cooper (Illustrator)

Joanna completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Graduate Diploma of Education at Wollongong University and began teaching high school Visual Arts in 2010. She is a self-taught watercolourist, but loves to teach all aspects of Visual Arts and does not limit herself to one artistic medium. Joanna lives in Australia’s Blue Mountains with her husband and two dogs.


Stewart Harris (Illustrator)

Stewart is a Cambridge-based illustrator and graphic designer. He studied at Winchester School of Art, Chelsea College of Art and Design, and Anglia Ruskin. Being also a musician, much of his work is music-related, having designed and illustrated numerous record sleeves and gig posters. When he’s not drawing, singing or playing, Stewart enjoys cookery and wildlife - though not, he is keen to point out, at the same time.