NEW AND AVAILABLE TO BUY! Professor Plunder's Time Machine: The Doors of Doom

NEW AND AVAILABLE TO BUY! Professor Plunder's Time Machine: The Doors of Doom


NEW in NOV 2023…

Would you be brave enough to enter the Doors of Doom? That’s what Professor Plunder’s great niece, Ava, has to do in order to find the key to time travel: the elusive Emiliam stone. While the professor is enacting his most hideous plan yet and trying to steal the baby version of Henry VIII, Ava and a small band of friendly allies set about searching the forbidden area in the professor’s evil lair. When confronted with a corridor of coloured doors, there is only one thing to do: choose a colour, take a deep breath and enter… at your peril.

This is the third in the Professor Plunder series and is ideal for children in KS2, particularly from Y4 upwards.

Illustrations expertly produced by Stewart Harris.

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